Tranekær is a village in southern Denmark, located in Tranekær municipality on the island of Langeland.
Tranekær is a village in southern Denmark, located in Tranekær municipality on the island of Langeland.
1. Tranekær Slotsmølle

Like a wizard of his box, Tranekær Castle Mill picks up its upper mill over the surrounding trees. On the small hill north of the castle, there has stood wind turbines for hundreds of years, and for all the time that has been operated mill, the mill has heard under the county of Tranekær. In 1975 it was sold for a symbolic amount to ‘Friends of Danske Møller’, which got various restoration work done, but then the mill fell into disrepair. In 1982, the Langelands Museum began its extensive mill restoration project at Tranekær, and in 1985 it was opened as a museum.
2. Tickon

The castle park by Tranekær castle is an amazing place for excursions all year round. The park and the castle belong to the Ahlefeldt-Laurvig family, who in 1993 passed the decoration of the park on to Tickon – Tranekær Internationale Center for Kunst Og Natur (Tranekær international center of art and nature). Since then, app. 30 danish and international artists of the high class have created their works in the park. They are types of the so-called Land Art – an art form that means the often gigantic works of art are built on the spot using organic materials e.g. wood, soil, and stones. Hereby, artworks are created that in curious ways are parts of nature but at the same time are subjects to nature’s destroying powers, until eventually, they disappear completely.
3. Tranekær Castle

Tranekær Castle on Langeland near Funen can not be avoided. If you drive through the city, the beautiful buildings emerge out of the blue. Known from sources dating back to the 13th century, the castle is the oldest secular inhabited house in Denmark. Back then, it was a heavily fortified castle on a steep hill with moat and wind bridge. Today we welcome guests with more open arms. The building remains from the beginning of the Middle Ages have been found in the basement, so the castle is actually even older.
4. The House of Fishing

In Bagenkop you will find an exhibition, which many volunteered hands have spent more than 4000 hours through the winter of 2014/15 at building in order to tell some of the local histories. Set aside a good amount of time if you want to see all the objects at a display and hear all of the good stories. Three full-sized models of old fishing cabins tell the story of how the fishermen’s terms and tools have changed during a period of 100 years. In the exhibition are many beautiful model ships of which some are built by a local fisherman.
5. Skovsgaard Mill

In 1904 after a fire, a mill was rebuilt next to the old Mill Farm from 1830, both buildings are preserved. Skovsgaard Mill is special because it has an onion-shaped hat and the sieves are placed over the grinding loft and not on the bottom of the mill as in most mills. The mill is restored and the mill equipment is preserved and functional, which means organic flour is being milled. The mill belongs to Skovsgaard Estate, which is also open for visitors.